In this world of intense income and wealth inequality in which we live, it is encouraging to see that some of our political leaders recognize the potential destructiveness of that inequality. The possible effect of intense income and wealth inequality is the theme of the quotation for today.
The speeches and statements of the 2012 Republican presidential candidates seem to be filled with code words and phrases. Then they all wish to be like Ronald Reagan who began the Republicans' code-filled-speech era on 3 August 1980 in Philadelphia, Mississippi (see related information).
Blow, Charles. "Santorum’s Gospel of Inequality." The New York Times 17 February, 2012: online edition.
Related information:
Kornacki, Steve. "The 'Southern Strategy,' fulfilled." 3 February, 2011.
“The growing gap between the very wealthy and everyone else has serious ramifications for the country. It hinders economic growth, it undermines confidence in our institutions, and it goes against one of the core ideals of this country — that if you work hard and play by the rules, you can succeed and leave a better future for your kids and your grandkids.”
Senator Kent ConradSenator Kent Conrad is the Democratic United States senator representing North Dakota and chairman of the Senate Budget Committee. Senator Conrad's comments were included in Charles Blow's New York Times op-ed that described a Republican presidential candidate's detestable comments on income and wealth inequality.
The speeches and statements of the 2012 Republican presidential candidates seem to be filled with code words and phrases. Then they all wish to be like Ronald Reagan who began the Republicans' code-filled-speech era on 3 August 1980 in Philadelphia, Mississippi (see related information).
Blow, Charles. "Santorum’s Gospel of Inequality." The New York Times 17 February, 2012: online edition.
Related information:
Kornacki, Steve. "The 'Southern Strategy,' fulfilled." 3 February, 2011.
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