Friday, April 27, 2012

Quotation for Today: Mitt Romney and Robert Bork, Severe Conservative Twins

The nightmarish administration that a Robert Bork-advised President Mitt Romney would bring to the United States was captured superbly in the quotation for today, across the jump.
Robert Bork has been among the most divisive figures in American law and a right-wing standard-bearer in Republican politics for nearly 40 years. 
Now Mitt Romney has made Mr. Bork a chairman of his Justice Advisory Committee. As with other Republicans leaders, Mr. Bork’s central position in Mr. Romney’s legal team says a great deal about the presumptive presidential nominee’s approach to the law, none of it good.
The New York Times

Mr. Robert Bork has a long history of severe conservative, out-of-the-main-stream legal views, and The New York Times editorial highlights a few of them. To read the complete editorial, follow the link enclosed in the citation.

Moreover, Mitt Romney's selection of fellow severe conservative, Robert Bork, as his chief legal adviser is as strong an anti-women and anti-civil rights statement the presidential candidate could make.  It would be difficult to overstate the severe threat posed to American freedoms and Constitutional rights by a Robert Bork-advised President of the United States.

In the related information section, you will find links to several articles that will provide a bit of recent history on Robert Bork.

"Robert Bork, Romney Standard-Bearer." Editorial. The New York Times 26 April, 2012: online edition.

Related information:

Robert Bork and Mitt Romney, Ideological Twins.

Robert Bork and Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.

Robert Bork and the Ave Maria School of Law.

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