Sunday, March 18, 2012

Quotation for Today: Return of the Social Security and Medicare"Sharks"

Just when you thought it was safe to "get back in the water," we discover -- via the quotation for today -- that the Social Security and Medicare "sharks" have returned to the waters off "Social Security Island"; apologies to Peter Benchley and the producers of the movie, Jaws.
According to a recent story in the Huffington Post, AARP’s CEO is convening a small group of Washington insiders to discuss the future of Social Security.
This closed meeting will be heavily stacked with 'powerful Washington establishment figures who are on record favoring cuts to Social Security and Medicare.'
Michael Phelan

Michael Phelan is the Deputy Director of Strengthen Social Security. 

Source for quotation is an electronic letter from Michael Phelan. You can read Phelan's letter here.

Related information:

The Upward Redistribution of Income and Wealth.

Peter Benchley's Jaws.  Director: Steven Spielberg.

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