Sunday, December 4, 2011

Le - Politician Compares Mrs. Merkel to Bismarck

Arnaud Montebourg, a French politician, compares the policies of Mrs. Angela Merkel (Chancellor, Federal Republic of Germany) to those of Bismarck.  Montebourg's comments seem to have caused a bit of a brouhaha in France.

Additionally, it appears that Montebourg's comments are being compared to those of another French politician, Jean-Marie Le Guen.  Le Guen likened a meeting between Mrs. Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the French Republic, to "Daladier in Munich" in 1938.

Excerpts from the article (in french language):

Après les propos d'Arnaud Montebourg comparant la politique d'Angela Merkel à celle «de Bismarck», les socialistes tentent d'éteindre la polémique.


Mais la charge de Montebourg ajoutée aux comparaisons hasardeuses de Jean-Marie Le Guen, qui avait mis en parallèle la rencontre entre Merkel et Sarkozy avec la visite de «Daladier à Munich» en 1938, suscitent le malaise. Les termes sont mal choisis.

The Le article, "Germanophobie: les proches d'Hollande calment le jeu," provides additional details about this uproar in France. 

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